About Digitize Media | Best Photo Scanning And Slide Scanning in UK

Too Many to Count?

Over the years we all accumulate many photograph and slides, spanning sometimes decades. We have often more than we realise, often thousands. It’s not until we finally get around to sorting them out to scan them – safeguarding them for many more years and to allow easy viewing on modern day digital devices, do we start to understand just how many photos we have.

To get them scanned by a professional company makes that conversion so much easier, but just how much will it cost? It means having to count them to place your order. A very daunting task.

That is why Digitize Media does all it can to make your scanning process as easy as possible. You can first get an idea of cost by estimating the quantity you have by going on our online calculator. Next call us (yes real people ready to take your call) and we will talk you through how we can take receipt of your photographs or slides, scan them and then tell you exactly how many you have. We will finalise costs – all based on our online cost (so no hidden or inflated charges) and then complete the order for you.

Simple as that. Life is already complicated. The Digitize Media team will do all it can to make your scanning process as easy as possible.

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