How to Scanning Old Photos (Identify and label family photos)
Among the most popular questions, we receive at Digitized Media when we are asked about scanning old photos is how to label the photos. Just

How to Organize Old Photos and Slides: Best Tips
If you‘re anything like me, you have drawers full of old slides and photos that you never look at. But every once in a while,

NFTs for Digitized Photos
An NFT (non-fungible token) is a unit of data stored on the blockchain that certifies a digital asset as being unique and therefore not interchangeable.

Storage of Old Photos
A few weeks ago, we bumped into an old friend down at the local pub. His name is Arthur, and he runs a self-storage company

Scan Old New Years Photos
Hopefully, in 2021, we will be able to enjoy New Year’s Eve in a more traditional manner whether it’s just having a few close friends

The Perfect Digitized Christmas Gift
Christmas is the best time of the year although it can also be a bit stressful and finding the perfect gift often seems impossible. This

Digitize Old Holiday Photographs
As Covid-19 travel restrictions begin to be reduced, millions of Britons have taken the risk of being scrambled home and have embarked on a summer

Scan Sports Photos into Digital Images
With all the excitement of England reaching the final of Euro 2020, it has a lot of people reminiscing about past exploits in 1966 and

Turn Old Photos Into Stunning Slideshows
Using the latest technology, creating a slideshow of your treasured old photos is now easier than ever. Creating a slideshow with photos of vacations or

How to Choose a Photo Scanning Company
For many years, you have been contemplating sorting out those shoeboxes and albums containing irreplaceable family memories. Digitizing photos and slides, prone to the ravages

Trend to Moving Away From Cities
Most of us were locked down in our house or flat for an awfully long time in 2020 and this could happen again very soon.

Digitizing photos for elderly person (When moving into a nursing home)
Most of us dread the thought of permanently moving our mother or father into a nursing home, even if we are fortunate enough to have