A Long Winter Lockdown
Use the time to finally get your photographs and slides sorted and future proofed by using a Photo Digitizing Service? Things are looking less than promising

How to Digitize Water Damaged Photos
Having flooding or a burst pipe is feared by many people, but while a good insurance policy can repair the damage to your building, furniture,

How to Remove Glue from Photos
Putting photos in one of those sticky-backed albums or scrapbooks may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but retrieving the photos maybe

Tracing Your Ancestors With A Family Tree
Building your family tree will give you a fascinating journey back over time. Your family tree will be much more interesting if you can add

Share Your Digitized Photos
After you have spent all that effort sorting and storing decades of your old photos and slides then using an Analogue Photo Scanning Service –

Ways to Celebrate Virtually
If you are having to cancel or scale down an upcoming event, be it a wedding, birthday, special anniversary or something else, Digitize Media, who

Keep Your Children’s Memories Forever and learn how to digitize photos
If your children have now grown up and left home then your life is likely to be a lot quieter, and you can relax a

Photo Scanning Best Image File Formats
At Digitize Media, we professionally scan your photos and slides into digital format. In this article we look at the available Photo Scanning Best Image

Photo Scanning Service Delivery and Collection
One of the reasons that people do not send their old prints to a photo scan service is that they are frightened that their precious

Selling Digital Photos on eBay
During your recent photo sorting exercise, when you had time to digitize your old photos, you may have become aware that some of your photographs

Your Life in a Shoebox
Are you one of those people whose life is crammed into one or more shoeboxes? These shoeboxes could be in your attic, in your garage

Father’s Day Digitized Images as Gifts
Digitized images as gifts could be ideal for the coming Father’s Day on 21st June. Are you racking your brain trying to figure out what